I acknowledge by signing this release form that I hereby release TRIP INK (TATTOO/ PIERCING CO) in Las Vegas. Nevada and its workers and agents from all manner of liabilities, claims, actions, and demands, in law or in equity, which I or my heirs have or might have now or hereafter, by reason of complying with my request to let my minor child get a tattoo and/or a piercing. I certify that I am the parent or legal guardian of the minor receiving the tattoo and/or piercing. I agree that I will assume all responsibility for any medical, legal, or other situation resulting from my request to let my minor child attain a tattoo and/or piercing. I also understand that I must remain in the presence of this minor child during all of the tattooing and/or piercing procedures. I understand that my minor child will be tattooed and/or pierced using appropriate instruments and techniques.